How I can help you
Are you looking for a final check before your text is published? Contact me about proofreading. You can tell me if you have any particular concerns or priorities, but in general this service includes:
correcting spelling, punctuation and grammar errors
checking for consistency
suggesting minor amendments to wording to aid clarity
checking that everything is in the right order and numbered correctly
Is your material still in draft format? Contact me about copyediting. This process is more detailed than proofreading and considers accuracy, readability and completeness. In addition to a spelling, punctuation and grammar check, this service includes:
establishing consistency in style choices and producing a style sheet
checking that chapter titles/headings have been styled consistently and match your contents list
checking that figures and tables mentioned in the text are present and have the correct headings/captions
suggesting ways of improving awkward or overlong sentences
checking for omissions, contradictory statements and unhelpful repetition
querying anything that appears to be incorrect (but not fact-checking)
checking that any in-text citations match the reference list and vice versa
More than a proofread but not a copyedit
If your non-fiction document would benefit from more intervention than a proofread but you don't want to go through a full copyedit, there's an option which is sometimes called proofediting.
I will focus on the key tasks of proofreading and copyediting but in one reading of your text. This approach suits many writers in terms of time and budget.
I will normally ask to see an extract of your material before providing a quote so I can advise you.​​
Find out about ...
Jo has worked on two of our books,
not only proofreading them but
showing us how to iron out
inconsistencies in style and voice.
And we don’t send out any script
until she’s given it her usual thorough attention. Highly recommended.
filmmakers and authors
Word document or PDF?
I can proofread your material as a Word document using Track Changes or as a PDF using commenting tools.
For any other service it's more efficient to work on a Word document because there will be more amendments.
I don't provide the following services:
substantial rewriting
routine fact-checking
producing complete reference lists
advising on legal issues